Giving Back to Community


Drs. Marty Zase and Radhee Sheth of the Colchester Dental Group deliver a substantial check to the Colchester Food Bank.

The doctors said, “We both became dentists to help other people. The folks of Colchester have certainly been good to us, so this is just one more way we are giving back to those who are less fortunate than we have been.

Our hope is to encourage additional successful businesses in town to also reach into their pockets and help make life easier and less stressful for others in our community. If we all pitch in just a little, or more if you can, we can help ensure that all of the residents of Colchester will have not only the basic necessities of life, but also the chance to fulfill their dreams for themselves and for their children.”

Here are some additional examples of how Colchester Dental Group gives back to the community:

Bacon Academy Scholarship
The Colchester Dental Group funds an annual scholarship that is awarded to a senior student at Bacon Academy who has expressed a desire to pursue a career in dentistry or any of the allied sciences. The award is presented at graduation.

Colchester Business Association
In addition to continually sponsoring and supporting many CBA efforts, the partners of the Colchester Dental Group have served on the Board of Directors of the CBA for over 15 years.

Give Back A Smile
The CDG has been an active participant in this program sponsored by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry to help restore at no charge the smiles of survivors of domestic abuse.

Haitian Health Foundation Dental Clinic
We were one of the first sponsors of this clinic established in the wilds of Haiti to provide dental and other services to some of the poorest human beings in the Western Hemisphere.

Perception Program
The Colchester Dental Group annually supports the Steeple Chase Bike Tour. The Steeple Chase is the primary fund raiser for Perception Program and WAIM serving the northeast corner of Connecticut by providing help to the elderly and less fortunate. Riders wearing the “CDG” colors have participated since 2001 and have raised tens of thousands of dollars in support of these charitable organizations. Staff, patients, family and friends have ridden the 20, 32, 50 and 100 mile tours. Please feel free to ask about participating with us next year.

Save A Family
For the past twenty years we have supported a family of five in Haiti: providing food, school uniforms and books for this single mother and her four children. The Colchester Dental Group was one of the original supporters of the program.

Smile Train
The Smile Train is a dental charitable organization that provides free cleft lip and cleft palate repairs for children all over the world. Smile Train’s goal is to help transform these kids from social outcasts to happy and included members of their societies with a second chance for a normal life.